Welcome to the Gateway Camera Club


Our goals are to share ideas, knowledge, and insight; to help improve the skills and abilities of our members; and to have some fun while enjoying photography. We recognize photography is changing, growing and with ever-emerging technologies, more exciting than ever!  Gateway was one of the first local camera clubs to embrace digital photography and, as a result, we have some very knowledgeable digital photographers. Many award-winning members of Gateway Camera Club honed their talents and abilities through the mentoring they found at Gateway.

Our club is very active and we meet on most Tuesdays from September to June 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Want to compete, learn and share? Check out our exciting schedule. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Just stop in and introduce yourself. We hope you'll soon find an aspect of Gateway that fits your interests. Please browse our website, learn more about what we do, and enjoy. And remember, enthusiasm is catchy. Come and catch some!  

The slideshow to the right are images from our  April 2024 Competition


Interested in seeing what Gateway Camera Club is all about? You are welcome to join as a Guest Member for 30 days.  Just send us an Email and you will be added to the attendee list for the next 30 days.



Upcoming Events



May Competition Deadline - Sunday May 5th at 11:59 PM - Judge Rick Cloran - Theme is People Singular/Plural


Education Night - May 7th - "Making Your Own Textures" presented by Mary Ellen Stone


One way to enhance, add depth, and emotion to our images is to add textures to them.  Maryellen will explain a variety of techniques to create your own textures using your images, a tablet, phone, or computer.  In addition, she will discuss unique ways to make handmade textures.  Simple methods of adding your textures will be explained.

Bio: As a photographer, Maryellen is grateful to be able to combine her love of animals and the outdoors with photography. Her photographs have been published in several books and other print media. Her work has been recognized at art exhibits locally, nationally, and internationally. Maryellen earned "Digital Photographer of the Year" honors for the 2022-2023 season at The Merrimack Valley Camera Club.  In 2022 she earned recognition as one of two top photographers in the Masters’ Class of the Cape Cod Art Center Camera Club.  Maryellen is a member of the Merrimack Valley Camera Club, The Cape Cod Art Center Camera Club, The North America Nature Photography Association, The Cape Cod Art Center, (juried artist in photography and digital art), The Photographic Society of America, The National Association of Photoshop Professionals, The Plymouth Center for The Arts, the National Association of Digital Artists, and the Reading Art Association.

Website: https://naturesimages.com/natures-images-photographic-art-by-maryellen-stone




Competition Night - May 14th - Judge Rick Cloran - Theme is People Singular/Plural


Program Night - May 21st - "Visual Depth" presented by Ken Sklute

Photographic artist Ken Sklute will share with you his thoughts as well as his tips and tricks regarding creating very strong images in an informative and inspirational program called Visual Depth. Ken creates images that viewers enjoy staying to look at without a need to move on to the next image. He will discuss in depth the thought process in making that happen and explain in detail about having 2-5 secondary subjects that compliments your primary subject through compositional alignment or layers of light. Pre-visualizing the Einished image and a little simple research will prove to be the key to improving your imagery to the highest of standards. Join Ken to learn how to improve your images and your vision. This program will change the way that you look at making images!

Bio: Through the years, Ken has been honored as one of Canon’s Explorers of Light, an Epson Mentor, an FStopGear Global Icon, a Datacolor Friends with Distinction and a Delkin Devices Image Maker. Ken has enjoyed a diversified career photographing landscapes, astro-photography and people, professional sports, architecture and weddings.

Ken spends much of his time photographing and teaching both Nationally as well as Internationally. During Ken’s 45 year professional career, he has accomplished the title of “Photographer of the Year” in many states and has been awarded 14 Kodak Gallery Awards, the Kodak gallery Elite award, WPPI Grand Award for Weddings and 15 Fuji Masterpiece awards, among many others.





Competition Night - May 28th - Image of the Year - Judges Christine Cooke, Polina Plotnikova and Doreen Sykes


Gateway Annual Picnic - June 1st  at 11:00 AM- Ashland State Park

Mark your calendars and save the date! Gateway will be having our annual picnic on Saturday, June 1st at the Pavilion at Ashland State Park, 156 West Union Street in Ashland. This is our third year at the pavilion. It is a great venue for members and their guests to gather for fun, food and fellowship.

A registration link will be added to the club web page soon and we will again be asking for a small fee to cover expenses.

We hope to see you there. (And we are hoping for a little better weather than last year.)



Field Trips, Events of Interests, SIGs


Lighting Meeting - Saturday May 11th - 1:30 PM to 4:45 PM


Location: McAuliffe Branch of the Framingham Public Library,  746 Water St., Framingham

Bring:  Camera.  You don't need other gear, but if you have a question about a piece of gear that you own, bring it. Snacks and beverages are allowed in this meeting room.  Bring for yourself and to share if so inclined.  There is a refrigerator.

Our photographic lighting meetings are for everyone.  You'll feel so good about yourself when you know when and how to add a little (or a lot) of light to many different types of photographs.  Our meetings are not progressive...meaning don't worry if didn't make it to previous meetings.  Just come. 
This month, Terry will be explaining and demonstrating two and three light set ups.  Terry always repeats information as necessary and always gets to your individual questions.  If time and interest,  he'll introduce us to projection and gobo lighting.

Registering for the meeting is not required, but appreciated so Terry can plan how much gear to bring. 

You don't need to stay for the entire meeting, but it is appreciated that you arrive at the beginning.

Questions:  Contact Buz

Focus Stacking Hands-on Tutorial - Sunday June 9th 1:00 to 3:30 PM - Framingham Library, McAuliffe Branch


Focus stacking is a technique used in photography to achieve a greater depth of field than would be possible with a single exposure. It involves taking multiple images of the same scene, each with a slightly different focus point, and then combining these images into a single photograph where all parts of the scene are in sharp focus.

Here's how it typically works:

  1. Capture multiple images: You take several photographs of the same scene, adjusting the focus slightly between each shot. Each image will have a different portion of the scene in sharp focus while other parts may appear blurry.
  2. Combine images: Once you have captured the set of images, you use photoshop or other specialized software to merge them together. This software aligns the images and selectively combines the focused portions of each one, resulting in a single image where the entire scene is in focus.

Focus stacking is particularly useful in macro photography, where getting a large depth of field can be challenging due to the close proximity to the subject. It's also used in landscape photography and other genres where achieving sharp focus throughout the entire scene is desired.

Sounds interesting? Join us for a hands on tutorial at the Framingham Library, McAuliffe Branch, 746 Water St, Framingham, MA 01701

For hands-on participation, bring

  1. To make photos, Camera with Long 80mm to 200mm lens or Macro lens and a tripod
  2. Laptop with photoshop to process the images

Join us even if you don't want to actively participate. It's a good opportunity to learn by watching others going through the process. Also, don't worry if you don't have a tripod, or a laptop. I will bring a couple of extra tripods and you are welcome to use my laptop to process your images.


  1. Quick overview of focus stacking
  2. Plenty of opportunities to make photos
  3. Followed by post processing the photos in Photoshop and lightroom
  4. View results discover what works and what doesn't and repeat the above steps until you are comfortable
  5. (Time permitting) Intro to other Software. Harry will introduce Helicon Focus which in many ways is stronger than photoshop at processing focus stacks.
  6. (Time permitting) Camera brand specific features that automate the focus stack creation process.





Watkins Glen Photography Trip - August 26-30, 2024

Please consider joining other GCC members on a trip to Watkins Glen, NY this summer.

Our main focus will be to do some hiking and to photograph waterfalls (of which there are many in this area). We may also add other places of interest as the group makes plans (Corning Glass Museum, Wineries for example).

We are looking into a few different options for where to stay; we don’t all have to stay at there same place.

Camping on Lake Seneca with boat launch for canoes and kayaks:  Smith Memorial Park in Hector, NY https://www.smithmemorialpark.com

Inns and B&B

The Lodge at Grist Iron Brewing Company: https://www.gristironbrewing.com/the-lodge-rooms
Vineyard Villas: https://thevineyardvillas.com
Magnolia Place B&B: https://www.magnoliawelcome.com

There will be more details to follow for those who register. Registration does NOT commit you to the trip, it only keeps you in the know as plans come together. 

Follow this link to register for the event: /club/Events_view.aspx?Eventid=4123d80f-5450-499c-bb2f-2febcb8bbd0c


Photographer's Event List

Buz is creating an events of interest to photographers list.  This is intended to be an interactive list with any member sending Buz an event that they've learned about.  The event can be anything that you think would be of interest to photographers.  These could be larger regional events or small home town celebrations of some kind.   Any theme might be a good event:  specialty sports (nat'l leagues, we already know about), state and local fairs and festivals, flowers and gardens, historic, special visiting exhibits at museums, and events that defy categorization.  As you send Buz events,  he will add to the list and send out periodic updated e-mails. 

All Season  Car Shows  Many, many local and regional motor vehicle related events, weekdays and weekends.  Contact Buz for info.

American Heritage Museumhttps://www.americanheritagemuseum.org/event/living-history-presentation-life-as-a-roman-soldier/

May 11th - Watch City Steampunk Festival - https://www.watchcityfestival.com/

May 18th  4PM-7PM- Antique Car & Equipment Show, Sherborn, MA  - https://www.sherbornma.org/DocumentCenter/View/2276/Car-Show

July 11-14 Quincy and July 25-28 Devens - The Wall That Heals - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund - https://www.vvmf.org/The-Wall-That-Heals/?gad_source=1






GCC has established two Instagram hashtags to promote our club member's pictures.  These are as follows:



We are looking forward to seeing your pictures under our hashtags on Instagram. Please contact anyone on the Social Media Committee (Fred Floru, Beth DeBor, Susan McIntyre or Terry Anderson) if you have any questions.

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Copyright Notice: Copyright © Gateway Camera Club, Framingham, MA, 1966-2024 -- All rights reserved.  All included content copyright the original creator.

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