More About Highland-White Lake Business Association (HWLBA)

Membership Benefits

* Instant Credibility for Belonging to a Recognizable Local Business Organization.

* Custom On-line Member Directory at

* Weekly E-mail newsletters.

* Advertising and Promotional Opportunities including Spotlight on Business TV Program, Newsletter, and Community Calendar

* Networking Opportunities at Regularly Scheduled Luncheons & Events.

* Informative Speakers at Meetings.

* Encourage Community to Shop Locally.

* Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies.

* Use of our bulk mail permit

Your customers appreciate knowing that you're part of an organization
that gives back to the community.

HWLBA Projects:
*Women In Business quarterly events
*Movie Night at the Library
*Senior Breakfast
*Red Box Food Drive

Community Projects We Support:
* White Lake and Highland Libraries
* Schools
* Local community partners
* Scholarship Fund
and more.....

Why Did I Join the HWLBA?

John & Kim Lucas, Owners, Five Star Ace Hardware:
We joined the Highland-White Lake Business Association because we believe in supporting the community we are located in. Through the HWLBA we have had the opportunity to be involved with other businesses and people here in the Highland-White Lake area. It also allows us to be involved with local government to better our community. Our business benefits from the support, advertising and exposure the HWLBA provides us. We would encourage others to get involved and continue to support local business by shopping in our community.

Sally Brush, Owner, Custom Plus, Inc.:
Working in a home office can make you feel cut off from the rest of the world. The HWLBA offers me a chance to network with other business owners and work on events that benefit our community.

Linda St. Denis, Realtor, RE/MAX Realtors:
Because I live & work in Highland, I joined HWLBA & Women In Business. Through HWLBA, I get to know all the wonderful people who own and manage businesses in the area and learn about the many community involvement opportunities.

Linda Bonham, Advantage Tax & Financial Services
I joined the Highland Business Association so that I could become acquainted with other business owners in the area. In my contact with clients I am often asked for referrals to other business professionals and I wanted to personally know the companies that I am referring to. HWLBA has helped me meet many business and helped me become more involved in the community where I work and live. I am very committed to shopping in and utilizing the businesses in our area. I've received other benefits from belonging. Today I met with a new client who got my name from the annual HWLBA calendar. I've also utilized the bulk mailing benefit that is offered. I saved $138 on the mailing I just did - more than enough to cover my yearly dues.

Additional Details

Highland-White Lake Business Association (HWLBA) Logo


Highland-White Lake Business Association (HWLBA)
205 W. Livingston Road
Highland, Michigan 48357

Would you like to add your business or organization to

Whether you represent a business or a community organization such as a church, school, museum, city government, etc., we invite you to create an account and get a listing in our online business directory. There is no charge to create an account and it only takes a few moments of your time.

If you'd like additional exposure for your business or organization, we offer all kinds of options to fit your needs and budget. Do you want to bring more people in to your establishment? Why not consider a coupon or a promotional event? If you just need to keep yourself in the public eye you might want to think about placing an eye-catching full-color ad. You can choose your medium: the website, the mobile app, the weekly newsletter, our popular wall calendar, or any combination of the four.

Did you know that independent studies by the Verafast Corporation repeatedly show that at least 70% of all homeowners who receive our calendar keep and use it all year long? That's a phenomenal retention rate and makes sure that your business or organization is truly being put On Display Every Day.

With your account you'll also have the opportunity to post events that will appear on our website, in our weekly newsletter, and on our mobile app. Please remember that Town Planner is a franchise and all events are subject to approval by the local publisher in your area. As a general rule, our publishers are happy to accept non-profit events, but some publishers may have individual policies concerning for-profit events or events that compete with paying Town Planner sponsors. If you're uncertain about your event, please feel free to contact your local publisher to inquire about his or her policies prior to posting.

Remember too that we are a family friendly organization and reserve the right to reject any events that we deem inappropriate for our calendar or online media tools.

We want to bring the Town Planner to even more towns across America. If you or someone you know want to earn a good living while promoting local businesses and building hometown pride, please consider becoming a Town Planner publisher today!